简介:Vishal Laboratories is manufacturer & exporter of Iodine & Piperazine Bulk Drugs. established in year 2007. Our facility is GMP and ISO 9001 certification approved. We believe that well being is a universal right and a worldwide need as each individual can make a difference and hence we are impatient for excellence…!!
Designed & engineered by a team of highly qualified specialists, we embarked upon our journey to manufacturing high quality products of International & Indian Pharmacopoeia standards. Our manufacturing facilities are equipped with latest machines and laboratory supported by good analytical equipment, ensuring stringent quality control and thus building customer’s confidence in our products.
The company is dedicated restlessly and sleeplessly to deal with the latest Research and Developments, prescribed checks and balances. We stand by the standard prescribed norms.
Guided by Industry experts who have been in this industry, we have established ourselves over the past several years as a Company making High Quality Products with marketing presence in almost all over India, USA, Europe, Middle East, Africa, South America & Asian Countries.