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Kanat Bektembayev

Kanat Bektembayev(哈萨克斯坦)

Xinjiang Organic food Import and Export Co., Ltd|采供商 职位:Supplier/Buyer


Xinjiang Organic food Import and Export  Co., Ltd
公司: Xinjiang Organic food Import and Export Co., Ltd
职位: Supplier/Buyer
官网: 暂无官网
简介:"Xinjiang Organic Food Import and Export Trade Co.,Ltd" LLC was founded in 2017 in Urumqi, China. In a short period of time, the company established supplies of its products to China. The company has its own store in Urumqi and has won the trust of many large wholesale buyers and consumers. One of the main areas of development is the import of food products to China and distribution, as well as the import of 100% natural agricultural products from the CIS countries, using already established relationships with distribution partners. We also offer our services for bringing imported products to the Chinese market

最新 热门

Kanat Bektembayev
Kanat Bektembayev发布2024-05-06

采供Natural honey. Packaging from 500 g to 29 kg. For wholesale sales and industrial production.Juices, drinks, tea, biscuits for wholesale and online salesCereal products such as wheat, peas, lentils, mi

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