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Gurmeet Singh

Gurmeet Singh(加拿大)

Sun Exports|供应商 职位:Marketing


Sun Exports
公司: Sun Exports
职位: Marketing
简介:Exporter of forgings castings. From a land which is abundant in fresh seafood - Rajkot (Gujarat, India), we are meeting the demands for Fish as a prominent supplier and exporter. These are processed and preserved under hygienic conditions with the aim to lengthen shelf life and prevent spoilage. Main purpose behind preservation is to prevent fishes from loss of quality due to spoilage bacteria, metabolic changes and unpleasant odors & flavors. The Seafood Fishes we offer are widely used for making various tempting dishes such as fish fingers, fish curry, fish pakoras, fish cutlets, fish fry, hariyali machli, etc. Apart from our high quality offerings, our on time delivery schedules, market reputation and emphasize on maintaining hygiene have enabled us to muster a huge clientele.
供应:Forgings ,Castings

最新 热门

Gurmeet Singh
Gurmeet Singh发布2023-11-09

供应Forgings & castings

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