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Albert Zhao

Albert Zhao(中国)

Manager|供应商 职位:ONSUNE Technology Ltd


公司: Manager
职位: ONSUNE Technology Ltd
简介:Founded in 1998, ONSUNE Technology Ltd. specializes in magnetic components manufacturing custom transformers, inductors, chock coil, toroid chock for car amplifier, ADSL modem splitter, and switching power supply. Serving tens of customers across the United States, Germany, Italy, England, Ukraine, Norway, Mexico, etc. Our company boasts a competent workforce of more than hundred employees. Our skilled employees can count on top-of-the-line high-tech machinery, housed within our 2,000 sq. ft. facility, to craft custom-made products to fully meet your requirements.
供应:inductor and transformer,inverter,inductor importer,85043190,850450
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