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Senna Lee
Senna Lee 2024-11-11 09:04:36

We are China coke and carbon additive producer. Ma
We are China coke and carbon additive producer. Ma
We are China coke and carbon additive producer. Ma
We are China coke and carbon additive producer. Ma

供应We are China coke and carbon additive producer. Main products are foundry coke, metallurgical coke, coke breeze, semi coke, carbon raiser, artificial graphite ...

Our cokes are ailable in various sizes to meet different production needs, like1-5mm, 5-15mm,10-30mm, 25-90mm,70-100mm, 80-120mm, 90-150mm, 120-220mm... or as required.

Pleand us your requirements so that we can offer to you accordingly. Thank you~

Best regards,
Ms. Senna Lee
(Export Head)
Shandong Gangda International Trading Co.,Ltd

Senna Lee 发布人
Senna Lee(中国) GD COKE Export Head|供应商
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