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Johanna Jiang
Johanna Jiang 2023-02-02 11:04:56

TT core is a microporous insulation panel optimize

供应TT core is a microporous insulation panel optimized for the usage in vacuum insulation panels-so called VIP. The Unicorn VIP core material shows ery low density and as an effect the lowest possible thermal conductivity (typically around 4 mW/m K). Even with such an extremely low density the boards are excellent to handle.
As a service Unicorn offers customized cutting for large order volumes customized pressing molds reduce the cutting waste to a minimum. As an option the core can be wrapped in a non-woven fabric to prevent dust during the evacuation process.

Johanna Jiang 发布人
Johanna Jiang(中国) Unicorn Insulations Limited marketing manager|供应商
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