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John Wong
John Wong 2023-03-04 17:48:05

#Textile auxiliaries#textile chemical#Desizing enz
#Textile auxiliaries#textile chemical#Desizing enz
#Textile auxiliaries#textile chemical#Desizing enz
#Textile auxiliaries#textile chemical#Desizing enz

供应#Textile auxiliaries
#textile chemical
#Desizing enzyme RX-1410
RX-1410 is a high concentration wide temperature type amylase, suited for the desizing of fabrics with starch sizing. With very strong decomposing power for starch, RX-1410 can rapidly transform starch into dextrin which can be removed in the following washing-off process.
High concentration, can be diluted at any ratio.
Good stability to heat, resist high temperature.
Very strong decomposing power for starch.
With high degree of uniqueness, no influence to fibre strength.
Guangdong Runshine Fine Chemistry Co., Ltd Cellphone/Wechat/:+0086 13424908009

John Wong 发布人
John Wong(中国) Guangdong Runshine Fine Chemistry Co., Ltd. International trade manager|供应商
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