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joycedu 2023-03-27 15:07:26

PTFE Sheet has a wide range of practicable tempera
PTFE Sheet has a wide range of practicable tempera
PTFE Sheet has a wide range of practicable tempera
PTFE Sheet has a wide range of practicable tempera
PTFE Sheet has a wide range of practicable tempera
PTFE Sheet has a wide range of practicable tempera

采供PTFE Sheet has a wide range of practicable temperature from -180C~+260C and a wax-like surface to which anything hardly sticks. Ptfe sheet has the lowest coefficient of friction of all known solid materials. Ptfe sheet has the best electrical properties of all plastic.PTFE Sheet has a wide range of practicable temperature from -180C~+260C and a wax-like surface to which anything hardly sticks. Ptfe sheet has the lowest coefficient of friction of all known solid materials. Ptfe sheet has the best electrical properties of all plastic.

joycedu 发布人
joycedu(中国) Jiangxi Taiflon New Material Co., Ltd. Salesperson|采供商
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