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Karlin Tian
Karlin Tian 2023-05-11 12:33:37

PE self-adhesive filmProcess protective filmPE ele
PE self-adhesive filmProcess protective filmPE ele

供应PE self-adhesive film
Process protective film
PE electrostatic protective film
Optical electrostatic protective film
Electrostatic protective film
Microcrystalline protection film
Optical eyeglass(lens)protective film
Polarizer process protective film
No glue protective film
low temperature heat sealing film
PS cup cover film
PE easy to tear film
PE easy to release film
PE easy uncover bowl cover film
PET Cup cover film
PVC Cup cover film
PE high-temperature cooking film
High permeability and super soft moon cake film
stuffing packaging film
PE rice bag film
PE packaging film for powder
PE packaging film for toothpaste
PE matte film
PE pesticide packaging film
PE film for hand mask/facial mask
PE super soft film for sanitary napkin
PE label film
PE liquid packaging film
PE liquid packaging fillm

Karlin Tian 发布人
Karlin Tian(中国) Guangdong Chaowei Plastic Film Co., Ltd Sales Manager|供应商
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