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Iris (Lixia Gong)
Iris (Lixia Gong) 2023-09-21 10:14:53

Portable X-ray machine is widely used in various f
Portable X-ray machine is widely used in various f
Portable X-ray machine is widely used in various f
Portable X-ray machine is widely used in various f
Portable X-ray machine is widely used in various f

供应Portable X-ray machine is widely used in various fields, including hospital orthopaedics, the hand&foot microsurgery, traditional Chinese osteopathic manipulation& closed threading, related training department and the school infirmary, fieldwork, earthquake rescue the wounded, inspection of zoos & pet hospital and feedlots, scientific research&teaching, rare Chinese herbal medicine detecting, nondestructive testing of industrial components, and food security & packages foreign body detection, etc. These advantages make it d by the special market, the market prospect is broader.

Iris (Lixia Gong) 发布人
Iris (Lixia Gong)(中国) 威海艾提夫医疗设备制造有限公司 外贸部对接经理|供应商
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