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黄强 2023-10-24 15:44:39

Specifications:Model: FH7 7" 318mmWeight: 196gFram
Specifications:Model: FH7 7" 318mmWeight: 196gFram
Specifications:Model: FH7 7" 318mmWeight: 196gFram
Specifications:Model: FH7 7" 318mmWeight: 196gFram

Model: FH7 7" 318mm
Weight: 196g
Frame size along motor axes: 318mm
Size: 265x230mm
Change thickness: 6.0mm
Beam plates: 3.0
Top plate: 2.0mm
Bottom plate: 3.0mm
Camera mounting size: 19.3 mmx19.3mm
Motor: A2807-1300KV
ESC: 4 in 1 55A BLHeli_S BL6.7 ESC
Flight Controller: Betaflight F4 (STM32F405)
VTX: 1.2G-800mW VTX
Camera: Ratel2 1200TVL Camera
Prop: GF7040 3 blade prop
Battery Strap: 2.5cm*40cm

1) Maximum flight time: 16min minutes in battery operating mode;
2) Maximum speed: 139 km/h;
3) Diagonal size: 49.6 cm;
4) Weight: frame - 0.5 kg, battery - 0.8 kg;
5) Radius of the video channel: 3000 m at h=300 m;
6) Radius of the control and telemetry channel: 7000 m at h=500 m;
7) Maximum range: 3000 m at h=500 m;
8) Maximum altitude in airfield conditions: 2000 m;

黄强 发布人
黄强(中国) 惠州市飞舜科技有限公司 销售经理|采供商
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