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James Jin
James Jin 2023-11-21 18:20:28

Electronic cigarette full automatic filling oil eq
Electronic cigarette full automatic filling oil eq
Electronic cigarette full automatic filling oil eq
Electronic cigarette full automatic filling oil eq

采供Electronic cigarette full automatic filling oil equipment are suitable for oil heating products such as CBD, THC, Delta 8 Oil. The filling oil machine has the following characteristics:
(1) Chinese and English can switch operation interface;
(2) Three-stage temperature control, a section of temperature monitoring to prevent over-burning oil, error +/- 1 degree;
(3) On the operating interface, the amount of oil injection can be set.
(4) In terms of cleaning: automatic cleaning internal pipelines, convenient to switch to produce different flors of products;
(5) Replace the clamps of the electronic cigarette rod to realize the sharing multiple production models of a machine;
(6) Oil injection accuracy: about 5 tenths.
(7) Export abroad, the machine can realize long -range after -sales service;
(8) Simple operation, start with one click.

James Jin 发布人
James Jin(中国) Shenzhen Xuanyu Technology Co., Ltd. General manager|采供商
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