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John Wang
John Wang 2023-12-14 11:29:14

Strawberry slices and pieces can be added to drink
Strawberry slices and pieces can be added to drink
Strawberry slices and pieces can be added to drink

供应Strawberry slices and pieces can be added to drinks, breakfast cereals or as an inclusion. They mix well with banana and other berries, and are ideal for chocolate inclusions, especially white chocolate. Freeze-dried strawberry works well with ice cream and brings an acidic touch to confectionary applications. They are also great for soury applications – try in a salad .

Strawberry powder is perfect for delivering taste in beverages. Whole and Slices are great as a snack on their own, or work well coated in chocolate.

John Wang 发布人
John Wang(中国) YiGuo foods (Qingdao) Co., Ltd 经理|供应商
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