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John Cheng
John Cheng 2024-07-14 12:08:00

Stainless steel belt is also called roll belt. The
Stainless steel belt is also called roll belt. The
Stainless steel belt is also called roll belt. The
Stainless steel belt is also called roll belt. The

采供Stainless steel belt is also called roll belt. There are many kinds of hardness of roll material, roll plate, plate roll and belt. Stainless steel features: 1. Complete product specifications and diverse materials; 2. High dimensional accuracy, up to ± 0.1mm; 3. Excellent surface quality and brightness; 4. It has strong corrosion resistance, high tensile strength and fatigue strength; 5. Stable chemical composition, pures steel and low inclusion content

John Cheng 发布人
John Cheng(中国) 安亿金属制品(山东)有限公司 Director|采供商
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