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Jerry Zhu
Jerry Zhu 2024-07-26 14:45:17

Yantai JoinBond has developed and produced a serie
Yantai JoinBond has developed and produced a serie
Yantai JoinBond has developed and produced a serie
Yantai JoinBond has developed and produced a serie

供应Yantai JoinBond has developed and produced a series of high-quality adhesive
products, including epoxy, anaerobic adhesive, signature products , UV glue, polyurethane glue, and it can be used in industrial, electronic, civil In the bonding, locking, sealing, encapsulation, underfill, repair and so on.

Jerry Zhu 发布人
Jerry Zhu(中国) 烟台九邦新材料科技有限公司 进出口贸易|供应商
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