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Vivian Guo
Vivian Guo 2022-04-04 15:59:28

Weichuang offers a range of natural clean label pr
Weichuang offers a range of natural clean label pr
Weichuang offers a range of natural clean label pr
Weichuang offers a range of natural clean label pr
Weichuang offers a range of natural clean label pr
Weichuang offers a range of natural clean label pr
Weichuang offers a range of natural clean label pr
Weichuang offers a range of natural clean label pr

供应Weichuang offers a range of natural clean label preservatives. Our cultured shelf life extenders are produced via the natural fermentation of non-GMO corn, rice or edible alcohol.The resulting product is an all natural product containing short-chain organic acids and other natural fermentation-derived metabolites that can extend the shelf life and enhance the flavor profile in a variety of applications including plant-based meat, baked goods, cheeses, meats, salad dressings, condiments, dips, spreads and more.

Vivian Guo 发布人
Vivian Guo(中国) Henan Weichuang Bio-tech Co., Ltd Sales Manager|供应商
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